740.00119 Control (Italy)/12–1845

The Acting Secretary of State to the French Ambassador (Bonnet)

The Acting Secretary of State presents his compliments to His Excellency the French Ambassador and in reply to the Embassy’s note verbale of December 18, 1945 regarding the withdrawal of Allied forces from Italian territory along the Franco-Italian frontier, has the honor to state that as previously set forth this Government does not consider that the withdrawal of Allied forces from this territory is in any sense contrary to the military agreements of June last. As also previously explained, in deference to the French Government’s views, as expressed by General Juin, the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, has undertaken, however, not to permit the use of Italian troops other than carabinieri in the border zone pending the return of the territory to Italian administration.

On December 15 the American Embassy in Paris informed the French Government that the Supreme Allied Commander had made it clear to the Italian Government that the forthcoming transfer of the territory in question to Italian administration would be without prejudice to any frontier rectification in the final peace settlement. A public statement to this effect was made by the Allied Commission on December 13. The Supreme Allied Commander has also recommended [Page 757] to the Italian Government that in so far as possible Italian troops other than carabinieri should not be used in the boundary territory. It is this Government’s understanding that the Italian Prime Minister has expressed full understanding of the necessity for this recommendation. Further arrangements putting this understanding into effect can no doubt be made through direct conversations with the French and Italian Governments.

It is the view of the American Government that these measures, together with the presence of Allied liaison officers in the frontier districts, will insure that all Allied interests will be safeguarded.