033.1110 Wallace, Henry A./197: Telegram

The Ambassador in Bolivia (Boal) to the Secretary of State

657. Vice President Wallace sent the following telegram on April 6 to the Ambassadors at Lima, Quito, and Bogotá:

April 6, 4 p.m. For the Ambassador from the Vice President. On the day of my arrival in La Paz the Bolivian Supreme Council of National Defense adopted a resolution recommending that Bolivia adopt a state of war. All signs point to the declaration of a state of war by the President of Bolivia28 promptly and probably during my stay in Bolivia.

The coincidence of this action and my visit may give rise to belief by the Peruvian Government that there exists some connection between my trip and the action taken by the Bolivian Government. No such connection exists. My visit was undertaken for the general purposes explained in my earlier personal messages to you. My visit is designed to create the maximum of good will as a result of my personal contact with the Peruvian Government and people. I am not making the people put across any particular congressional actions.

It is my understanding that the attitude of our Government is neither to promote or oppose entry into the war by the other American Republics. We feel that each country should determine in accordance with its own interests whether it should enter the war or not. If the decision is in the affirmative, we of course welcome another adherent to the cause of the United Nations.

In order that there may be no misunderstanding I suggest in your discretion that you have a talk with the Foreign Minister and possibly with the President about this matter. [Wallace.]

  1. Enrique Peñaranda.