740.0011 European War 1939/30469: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Armour) to the Secretary of State

1740. Storni last night confirmed to me that he has prepared a letter to the Secretary for presentation through Espil setting forth frankly and in detail the reasons why his Government finds it impossible to break relations with the Axis. This letter is being submitted to Ramírez for approval and Storni hopes it will be ready to be sent to Washington on Monday or Tuesday, probably by special courier. He will give me a copy and I will telegraph text or summary to Department.

Storni told me confidentially that a further factor which had stiffened the elements of the army and navy opposed to breaking had been [Page 447] a statement made by the Chilean Naval Attaché to certain Argentine officers to the effect that prior to breaking Chile had found itself in the position that had Peru and Bolivia made a move against it in the north, Chile would have been forced to evacuate Arica section and retire to Antofagasta. For this reason they had found it necessary to break relations and be in a position to secure necessary equipment. Chilean Attaché drew parallel to present situation of Argentina vis-à-vis Brazil and Paraguay as argument for Argentine breaking relations. Storni said Chilean Naval Attaché’s intentions had probably been good but effect had been to infuriate Argentine officers who said that if they had no other equipment they would fight with knives if the challenge should arise.

Repeated to Santiago.
