033.4111 Eden, Anthony/6

Memorandum by the Secretary of State to President Roosevelt

Ambassador Winant10 spoke to me this morning of the proposed visit of Mr. Anthony Eden to this country, and handed me your memorandum on the subject11 which I am returning herewith. I would suggest, if it suits your convenience that Eden be invited to come and the sooner he comes the better as that will also suit my convenience. This could be any time beginning next week as I understand that Madam Chiang Kai-shek’s12 visit will be finished by the end of this week.

It would seem to be advisable in order to avoid any undue significance being given to Eden’s visit that an announcement be made when the news is given out that he is coming over in order to be brought up to date with regard to matters concerned with the furtherance of the war effort, and that his visit is a part of a series of contacts made between the high officials of the United Nations in order to keep up the mutual exchange of ideas and information which is undertaken with a view to keeping all the interested governments informed of current developments.

C[obdell] H[ull]
  1. John G. Winant, Ambassador to the United Kingdom, temporarily in the United States for consultation.
  2. Not found in Department files.
  3. Wife of the President of the National Government of China.