893.102S/2194: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)24

314. Your 709, August 18, 5 p.m., and 710, August 18, 6 p.m., Shanghai Defense Sector. Please communicate with the Minister for Foreign Affairs as soon as possible along lines as follows:

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With reference to the Foreign Minister’s observations set forth in numbered paragraph 2 of your 710 this Government, in its desire to reach an amicable and equitable settlement of the question under reference, is prepared to continue discussions of the matter with the Japanese Government and to postpone temporarily at least occupation of Sector B pending the outcome of such discussions with Japanese Government. This Government would be reluctant to believe that the Japanese Government would permit an issue arising out of a question of this character, which is in the opinion of this Government susceptible of adjustment in a spirit of mutual good will and conciliation, to be the cause of any incident.

You may also add that the Navy Department is communicating with Admiral Hart and suggesting that he endeavor to arrange to have the Shanghai Volunteer Corps take over Sector B merely as a transitory measure pending the outcome of the discussions between the Japanese and American Governments on this matter.

  1. Copy transmitted to the Consul at Shanghai by the Department in telegram No. 371, August 19, 2 p.m., for the information of the Consul and Admiral Hart.