893.102S/2148: Telegram
The Consul at Shanghai (Butrick) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 25–5 p.m.]
696. My 681, July 23, 2 p.m., terrorism in Shanghai. At meeting this afternoon Japanese Consul read: (1) long statement apparently [Page 757] prepared in accordance with instructions from his Government censuring Chairman of Council for giving publicity to his letter to Senior Consul before all members of consular body had received it; and (2) another statement the essence of which was that if all Chungking elements were removed from Shanghai there would be no terrorism.
A resolution drafted by Senior Consul reading as follows: “that the Shanghai consular body, regards with extreme horror the various acts of terrorism committed in Shanghai, and hereby places on record its utter condemnation of any and every form of terrorism by whomsoever perpetrated, such dastardly acts being contrary to every dictate of humanity and civilization” and a further one drafted on the spot by the Italian and German Consuls General11 reading “that the Shanghai consular body, regarding with extreme horror the various acts of terrorism committed in Shanghai and considering that such acts are mostly due to political motives, places on record its utter condemnation of any and every form of terrorism by whomsoever perpetrated, and expects that the Shanghai authorities will prohibit in the International Settlement any political activities which might be detrimental to peace and order” the Japanese Consul General stated he would approve only if they contained (2) above. Owing to the rule of [unanimity?] nothing was accomplished but meeting adjourned until August 2. Except for notice of adjournment, nothing will be given press by Senior Consul and I am not making any statement to press; however, it is correct to expect that Japanese Consul will issue long statement to press as he intimated that he would do so.
Sent to the Department. Repeated to Chungking, Peiping. Code text by air mail to Tokyo.
- Comdr. R. Rapex, acting Italian Consul General, and M. Fischer, German Consul General.↩