Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Welles) of a Conversation With the French Ambassador (Saint-Quentin)
The French Ambassador called to see me this afternoon and read to me two telegrams he had received from the French Ambassador in Tokyo.96
The first of these telegrams referred to the action taken by the Governor General of Indo-China97 with regard to the cessation of the transport through Indo-China of materials destined to the Chinese Government. It likewise showed great bitterness that the French authorities had also been obliged to agree to the inspection of all imports and exports by Japanese agents. Finally, it expressed great apprehension as to the immediate intentions of Japan.98
The other telegram related to the probability that the Japanese would soon present an ultimatum to the French authorities in Shanghai, forcing the French troops to withdraw from the International Settlement.
The Ambassador inquired whether, in the event that the Japanese served peremptory notice upon the French to withdraw, the American troops in Shanghai would assist in resisting such an attempt, and, second, whether in the event the French did withdraw, the American forces would take over the sectors previously occupied by the French and perhaps the British in the event that the British also withdrew.
I said to the Ambassador that I was somewhat surprised with regard to his first inquiry, since this Government had made it perfectly clear some time ago, both to the British and to the French Governments, that the American troops in Shanghai would not be authorized by force to oppose the regularly constituted military forces of a third power operating in China. I stated that this was the considered policy of this Government and that there had been no change therein.
With regard to his second inquiry, I stated to the Ambassador that it was my understanding that an entirely satisfactory and amicable agreement had been entered into by the commanding officers of all of the foreign troops in Shanghai, including the Italians, with regard to the situation resulting from the declaration of war upon France and Great Britain by Italy, but that I was not in a position to give any assurance that the American forces would or would not occupy any or all of the sectors which might be evacuated by the troops of other nations in Shanghai. I stated that in my judgment this [Page 749] was a matter which would have to be determined in the light of the immediate conditions.
I made it entirely clear to the Ambassador that this Government would make no commitment of any character to the French Government at this time with regard to this question.
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