The Department of State to the Department of the Navy94
Reference suggestion made by Admiral Hart that the American marines take over “Defense Sector B” at Shanghai in the event that the British and French withdraw their garrisons from China.
(1) It is assumed (subject to confirmation) that the American Consul at Shanghai is being consulted by Admiral Hart and is in agreement with the Admiral’s suggestion. (2) It is further assumed that the Shanghai Volunteer Corps would continue its functions in Defense Sector B and that what is envisaged is that the American marines would simply replace the British troops in the functions which those troops have been performing in that area pursuant to that provision of the Shanghai Defense Scheme of December 18, 1932, which allocates Sector B to the Shanghai Volunteer Corps and to one British rifle company. (3) It is also assumed that, inasmuch as the Japanese in common with nationals of the other powers concerned have an interest in and participate in the administration of the International Settlement and as, in the contingency mentioned, the Japanese would have the only other foreign forces at Shanghai, Admiral Hart would have American marines replace the British in Defense [Page 747] Sector B only after an arrangement to that effect had been worked out with the Japanese.
We desire to know whether the assumptions are correct.
- Approved by the Secretary of State and cabled to Admiral Hart by the Navy Department.↩