761.93/1698: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary of State


1361. In the course of a conversation with the Chinese Ambassador87 this afternoon he stated that he had again seen Vishinsky88 who in reassuring him as to the continuance of Soviet aid to China had remarked that “while the Soviet methods might have to undergo a change the Soviet goal remained the same.”

The Ambassador stated in so far as he was aware there had been no recent appreciable diminution in Soviet aid to China but that on the other hand the Soviet Government had not responded to his request for better types of airplanes (see my 1235, September 25, 11 p.m.89).

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  1. Shao Li-tzu.
  2. Andrey Yanuaryevich Vyshinsky, Soviet Vice Commissar for Foreign Affairs.
  3. Printed in vol. iii, section under Union of Soviet Socialist Republics entitled “Reports on Developments of Significance Concerning Soviet Relations With Other Countries, Especially With the United States.”