Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State
The Minister of Australia called at his request. He handed me a statement (copy attached)86 concerning an embargo imposed by his Government upon exports of steel and scrap iron to Japan and countries other than the British Empire for the purpose of conservation.
The Minister said he felt that the recent conferences among naval officials had been of real value both to us and to his country. There were, of course, no commitments of any kind either way, but there was a rather full exchange of information and ideas, both present and prospective, about the situation.
The Minister then inquired whether we had been giving further consideration to sending some naval vessels to his country, and possibly to Singapore. I replied that our first steps in dealing further with the Japanese situation included a recent loan of $100,000,000 to China,87 the sending of a number of vessels, including submarines and tenders, and some airplanes to the Philippines. I added that there was a prospective embargo on finished classes of iron and steel, on a quota basis, with Great Britain and the Western Hemisphere excepted. I concluded by saying that until these steps had been completed, and we were then able to see and appraise the situation, I could not undertake to go into his inquiry. The Minister seemed to understand and to acquiesce cheerfully.