811.20 (D) Regulations/997

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Division of Controls (Green)

Mr. A. D. Marris, First Secretary of the British Embassy, called at my Office this morning to resume our conversation71 in regard to the possibility of parallel action on the part of the American, British, and Canadian Governments in respect to restrictions on exports to Japan. He showed me a long telegram which the Embassy had received from London suggesting a formal but secret consultation in London of representatives of the American, British, Dominion, Netherlands, and Belgian Governments for the purpose of parallel action among all concerned in respect to this matter. He showed me also the Embassy’s reply to that telegram. In the reply there was set forth at some length description of the administration of export control in this country; recent conversations between the Ambassador and the Secretary in regard to parallel action between the United States and Britain72 were referred to; Mr. Marris’ recent conversations with me were also referred to; and, in summing up, it was suggested that any proposal for a formal conference be deferred at least until after the Presidential election. Mr. Marris asked me whether I approved in general the reply which the Embassy had sent.

I replied in the affirmative, adding that I intended to bring his proposals to the attention of my colleagues and superiors some time this week and that I hoped that further discussions between us in the course of a month or so might bring about such a degree of parallel [Page 611] action between our two Governments that such a formal conference as his Government proposed would be unnecessary.

Joseph C. Green
  1. In a previous conversation on October 15 Mr. Green and Mr. Marris exchanged information on American and British restrictions on exports to Japan; memorandum of conversation not printed.
  2. See memoranda of conversations dated September 30, October 5 and 7, pp. 159, 167, and 168.