740.0011 European War 1939/6180: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary of State
[Received 6:30 p.m.]
1379. Embassy’s telegram No. 1359, October 17, noon. The source indicated in my telegram under reference has informed me that on the occasion of his first call on Molotov on October 18, the German Ambassador, in conformity with his instructions, took up no specific questions with Molotov and made no definite proposals, but merely suggested that the Soviet Government make known to the German Government its desires or aspirations and stated that the German Government would be willing to discuss any problems or matters in which the Soviet Government might be interested at the present time. My informant says that Molotov was noncommittal, promised “to convey the message to his Government” and added that a reply would be forthcoming within a few days. My informant emphasized that the nature of the Soviet reply would determine the questions, if any, which would be discussed as well as determine in large measure the probable future course of Soviet-German relations. My informant stated frankly that the German Embassy here had no indication as to the nature of the Soviet reply. He offered the personal opinion that it was doubtful the reply would contain any very positive suggestions.