740.00112 European War 1939/2: Telegram
The Minister in the Netherlands (Gordon) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 1—11 a.m.]
147. Personal for the Secretary and Under Secretary. Department’s 69, August 30, 5 p.m. I understand that Belgian Ambassador and Dutch Minister have conveyed to you the results of joint consultation here yesterday between head of Economic Division of Belgian Foreign Office and local Foreign Office officials concerning eventual blockade measures in general and the President’s suggestion in particular. Foreign Office this morning emphasized the marked cordiality and similarity of views prevailing throughout the consultation. Further consultations are expected to be held; as they will take place at a frontier town or towns halfway between the two capitals they will probably be frequent.
The following given me in the strictest confidence by Secretary General may be of interest for background and I risk repeating some items already known to Department. While the Dutch and Belgians will keep [the Scandinavian countries?] in touch with the arrangements, the Dutch view is that there is not much use in working closely with them. … the Dutch say that they and the Belgians feel that it will be better to work closely together—that is to say not making their decisions dependent upon consultation with and agreement of the Scandinavian countries but only keeping in contact with them—in all matters affecting blockade and free neutral shipping routes. The Dutch anticipate the institution of blockade and submarine warfare upon the outbreak of hostilities.