740.0011 European War 1939/510: Telegram

The Minister in Rumania (Gunther) to the Secretary of State

257. Reference paragraphs 1 and 2 my telegram No. 243, September 21, 7 p.m. from Biddle.79 Considerable anxiety in Government circles as to the future intentions of Russia. Surprise and some consternation apparent as to extent of Polish territory occupied with German acquiescence. It is felt that the Russians now have the upper hand and can make things as uncomfortable as they wish for Hitler who avowedly does not want to have to fight on two fronts (see Mein Kampf). Had the Russo-German pact been planned by the British and French with Russian connivance it could hardly have worked. But Hungary’s Ruthenian frontier and Rumania’s Bukowina both with Ukrainian minorities now seem hardly safe for long with Russia on each frontier. The results of Saracoglu’s visit to Moscow are awaited here with breathless interest. Please transmit following to the President: It is also felt that a big peace offensive will shortly be opened and that this will find support in some French circles. It is not apparent here just how England could now back down unless preceded by unforeseen internal developments in Germany. Even should peace come it would hardly relieve Rumania from the potential danger of Russia in its new geographical position of advantage. Obviously, if peace were to come, England and France could probably in a year or more, in turn, establish that supremacy in the air which has been the key to the present war and time would be given for economic and internal developments in Germany.

  1. Not printed.