711.922/103: Telegram

The Minister in Siam (Neville) to the Secretary of State

33. Department’s 24, November 1, 6 p.m.—exchange of notes regarding mission lands. The Siamese objected to widening the scope of the exchange of notes accompanying the treaty of 1920. They propose the following text:

“I have the honor to confirm the agreement reached between us that the exchange of notes which took place at Washington on December 16, 1920 regarding American mission lands in Siam, shall be continued in force until the obligations assumed thereunder by the Siamese Government are fulfilled.”

In my judgment this exchange of notes will lose much of its importance provided the immovable property clauses are adopted as [Page 877] numbers of American organizations will then be able to hold property in their own right.

Monopoly. The Siamese have arranged an exchange of notes with the British and would like to follow the same procedure with us.

Department’s 26, November 2, 7 p.m. protocol, paragraph 4. The Siamese would like following wording:

“It is understood that the payment of just compensation provided for in article 1, paragraph 3, shall be determined by due process of law, without prejudice to redress, if any, according to international law.”

The Legation will make careful comparison of texts with Foreign Office today and telegraph discrepancies, if any, later.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs suggests that to avoid delay my full powers to sign treaty be shown to Siamese Minister at Washington or authority be telegraphed en clair to Bangkok.

New Japanese treaty with Siam was approved by the Cabinet on November 1st and was signed provisionally November 2nd.
