
The Counselor of Embassy in Spain (Thurston) to the Secretary of State

No. X–287

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s instruction number 462, of September 2, 1937,26 and to report that I have recently received from the Spanish authorities and distributed to the American citizens concerned several “permits” for the retention of certain types of valuables affected by a Decree issued on August 6, 1937. This finally establishes the principle, as to the application of that Decree to American citizens, upheld by the Embassy.

[Page 564]

There are enclosed herewith for the Department’s records a copy of the Embassy’s note number X–163, of August 28, 1937, and a copy of its informal note of October 11, 1937, to the Secretary General of the Ministry of State.27

Respectfully yours,

Walter C. Thurston
  1. Not printed; but see footnote 97, p. 544.
  2. Neither printed.