352.1115/4007: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain (Bowers), Then in France

B–291. Your 339, August 21, 1 p.m. In order to make certain before trip is undertaken that Kane will experience no difficulties with Asturian authorities in evacuating American nationals desiring to leave, we are instructing Thurston to ascertain and report to you exact date instructions were sent by Valencia Government and whether instructions have been delivered to authorities at Gijon. We assume that you will arrange, in cooperation with Admiral Fairfield and commander of ship, for Kane to make a final trip to Gijon as soon as these assurances have been received from Valencia. We feel that the Kane on this trip should be able to evacuate all American nationals who may desire to leave. In order that they may have as much advance notice as possible it is suggested that Chapman advise them of forthcoming visit by whatever means may be available.
