800.79611 Pangborn-Herndon Flight/64: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Forbes) to the Acting Secretary of State

126. Department’s 143, August 22, 3 p.m.1

Formal application for permit for Herndon and Pangborn to fly across the Pacific from Japan was made by the Embassy on August 17th. I have spoken to the Foreign Minister myself and other members of my staff by my direction have also urged upon the Vice Minister and bureau chiefs the necessity for speedy action. There is much opposition to permitting the flight on the part of some officials. I am informed that the Foreign Minister himself is now handling the matter and I hope to obtain a favorable answer soon.
The Embassy also requested the release of the plane by Customs on August 11 and was informed that under the law a guaranty in the nature of a bond for payment of duty would be required. Herndon was informed that the Embassy could not go bond for private individuals for the payment of money. Herndon has subsequently stated that Customs bond was being arranged privately. There has been some trouble about this as apparently the Customs did not like to accept the signature of only one person and there are no bonding companies here as we know them at home.
  1. Not printed.