836.48 1930 Hurricane/76

President Trujillo to President Hoover21


Mr. President: I have the honor to address this letter to you in order to render a tribute of deserved recognition and gratitude to a distinguished American for the very eminent services rendered by him to my Government and to the people and the city of Santo Domingo from the first days of the terrible hurricane which devastated this capital and spread desolation and ruin.

I refer to the well-known Dr. Lucius M. Johnson, M. C. U. S. N., who, from the moment of his arrival, gave himself indefatigably to the work of organization and direction, dedicating his recognized capacity and his inexhaustible energy to the work of organizing hospitals, distributing food and assistance, improving sanitary conditions, and clearing away the ruins obstructing the streets of the city, and to whatever was necessary and useful, communicating to everything the impetus of his guidance and his administrative experience.

Dr. Johnson accomplished an extraordinary task in this city and the people of Santo Domingo will never forget his high merits.

I beg [etc.]

Rafael L. Trujillo
  1. Received in the Department of State about October 14.