893.711/49: Telegram

The President of the United Press (Bickel) to the Acting Secretary of State

For over three months now the Shanghai Evening Post, most important American daily in China, has suffered under a postal ban applied by Shanghai authorities because of Post insistence that laws protecting property Evening Post be impartially enforced. The imposition of the postal ban bears every indication of being done in effort to embarrass Post and indirectly control its editorial utterances. As postal ban against North China Daily News, leading British paper which previously fell under displeasure Chinese authorities, only enforced about two months there are evidences discrimination against Post. Shanghai Evening Post, a United Press client paper, is owned [Page 560] by C. V. Starr, a leading American businessman in Shanghai now in New York, edited by Carl Crow, well-known American newspaper man in China. Evening Post been factor utmost importance to United States, deserves any support you or Minister Johnson can give them in their fight to have the Post handled nondiscriminatory basis by Chinese post office. Above is for your information and any assistance that you can properly render.

Karl A. Bickel