422.11G93/1081: Telegram

The Minister in Ecuador (Hartman) to the Acting Secretary of State

11. Department’s March 3, 6 p.m.16 In an interview with the Minister for Foreign Affairs the inquiry was made and answer given through interpreter as usual, the Minister stating that deposits had been ordered and I first learned from his note17 that he referred to salt deposits and not to the usual daily deposits’. Relying on our understanding of what he said I sent my telegram of February 3, 10 a.m., and did not inquire from depository banks in Guayaquil.

When I learned that the information cabled was incorrect I sent my telegram of February 29, 6 p.m.

In an interview with him this morning he reaffirmed the statements in his note regarding salt deposits and said that the Minister of Hacienda is now in Guayaquil with instructions to obtain and remit to London 20,000 pounds. He states he will notify me when the remittance is made. I have not failed and will not fail to keep in close touch with the situation and to keep the Department fully informed. Full report by mail.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed; see telegram no. 8, Feb. 24, 1920, from the Minister in Ecuador, p. 192.