File No. No. 763.72112/7469
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Honduras ( Curtis)
Your March 7, 6 p.m.,1 and March 13, 3 p.m.2 Your interpretation of Department’s cables was correct. War Trade Board now feels that as the Honduran Government has given formal assurance to effect that all German interests, present and future, have been eliminated, no special Licenses to use the lighters of the National Agency will be required. Therefore you will inform the President that as the above assurances both in regard to present as well as future enemy interests in the lighters appear to be satisfactory, the War Trade Board sees no reason why American citizens may not discharge their cargo on National Agency lighters or may not transfer their good by the same agency from Amapala to San Lorenzo, thus leaving the lighterage business at Amapala open to competition to enemy taint.
War Trade Board has decided that as assurances of Government appear to meet requirements of act, the granting of any license to use National Agency lighters would be tantamount to stating Government of Honduras was acting in behalf of enemy interest.
Department also wishes that there be open competition now that American interests are in a position to dominate Amapala, in view of the fact that complaints have been received from American citizens that Commercial Export Co. was the monopoly of Rosario interests and working against business competition.
The opening of a new port with fair competition would appear to be best solution of matter.
You will carefully notice statement of War Trade Board in regard to “all German interests, present and future.” Impress upon President that the Board is acting upon his assurances as to future as well as present enemy interests.