File No. 860d.00/270

The Consul at Helsingfors (Haynes) to the Secretary of State2


79. To render German naval control of the Baltic unquestionable a Finnish commission has visited Aland and now sits in Stockholm [Page 808] discussing demolition Aland fortifications. Germans dissatisfied with recent events in Russia may soon abandon working [through] Bolsheviki and act independently. It is reported that all available German forces Finland and Baltic provinces are now massed near Narva, presumably aimed at Petrograd, and a naval force assembled east of Gulf of Finland with the object of moving against Kronstadt. Germany’s need of more man power is shown by her encouragement of interned Red prisoners, whose appalling mortality has occasioned denunciatory White terror articles in the Scandinavian press, to go to Germany to work farms and in mines induced by more wages offered and fear of starving at home. Many of the Finnish have enlisted in the German army, the enemy simulating such enlistment is voluntary. Germany alone has signed commercial agreement with this government although the three Scandinavian countries have tried. The situation means that much commercial man power in Finland is used by Germany. I have been informed personally by the three Scandinavian diplomatic representatives that they are trying to counteract German influence in industry and commerce, as well as opposing the Mecklenburg candidate for the Finnish throne and advising the government to give more attention to absolute neutrality. On the other hand the Germans assure this country that it is no more unneutral than Norway has been to the Entente powers. Finnish government has refused Norway’s offer of Atlantic [Arctic?] port through Norwegian territory. Government is now trying to relieve the country’s finances and is advising economy in all governmental departments. Prominent Finnish shippers assure me no Finnish or other ships allowed to leave Finland without a German permit.

  1. Id (No. 2725).