File No. 763.72111/6719

The Minister in Panama ( Price) to the Secretary of State


Following cable from Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Foreign Offices of Panama and the Central American countries has passed through here to-day:

Argentine Government, supplementing its initiative proposing on account of world war a Latin American congress to concentrate upon a common deliberation and sanction regarding it, and in view of the fact that said call acquires daily greater significance, since it would be very regrettable for the nations to compromise themselves separately instead of making a joint declaration to make their influence felt, thus giving character to their representation throughout the world, has decided, subject to the approval of the States, to set the first fortnight in January 1918 as the date of such meeting. Each government may send two or more delegates as it sees fit but representation will be by states.

Please instruct as to what, if anything, you would have me say to Panama regarding its response.
