File No. 763.72/3203

The Minister in Panama ( Price) to the Secretary of State


Your February 3, 1 p.m., received last night and communicated at once. Panaman Minister for Foreign Affairs last night and Panaman President and other officials to-day expressed cordial approval and offers of cooperation. Sentiment generally is that of sympathy, the correctness and justness of the President’s action. Germany has never had a diplomatic representative here, only consular officers. Is any action regarding them desired?

Canal Zone authorities have taken under detention officers and crews of the German vessels which have been in Colon harbor and have placed American guards in charge. They have likewise detained a number of Germans and are planning to do the same with certain Germans in the cities of Panama and Colon, planning to send them to the United States to avoid possible injury to canal.

At my suggestion Acting Governor of Panama Canal, commanding officer of the Canal Zone, and I, with others, held a conference at length this morning and with Panaman President and advisers this afternoon. All precautions are being taken and Panama authorities are cooperating.

I heartily congratulate the President.
