File No. 611.419/50

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State


1078. Your telegram November 12, 5 p.m., re rubber and hides, and your 546, November 16.2 At Sir Edward Grey’s suggestion, counsel of the Foreign Office and Anderson are now drawing up a [Page 426] proposed arrangement to be submitted to you, the general idea of which is as follows:

It will be understood that the British Government will permit direct exportation of rubber, hides, and manganese and after present pressing demand for wool is satisfied of wool also from colonies to the United States under satisfactory guarantee against reexportation. It will be understood that the United States Government will not object to stopping of copper, petroleum, rubber, and hides that are evidently destined to enemy country. The British Government will of course not stop cargoes that are satisfactorily guaranteed for neutral use and if any such cargo should be stopped, British Government will pay for it. The exact statement of this proposed general arrangement will be telegraphed at the end of the conference of lawyers.

American Ambassador
  1. No. 546 not printed.