
The President of the Galveston Cotton Exchange (L. H. Kempner) to the Secretary of State


Referring to the willingness of the English Government to permit neutral vessels to proceed to neutral ports without detention where the loading of such vessels has been supervised at the port of loading by the British Consul to ascertain that no contraband exists, this matter has been fully discussed to-day with the British Consul who states that the requirements are that two British subjects should be employed during the entire time the vessel is in port, one for day inspection and one for night. It is difficult to secure men satisfactory for such work, and we would like to ask you to take up with the British Embassy the question of ascertaining whether these instructions cannot be modified to such an extent that a practical working arrangement can be outlined. It seems to us that the employment at the expense of the ship of one inspection for day and one for night at each pier where one or more vessels are loading, these inspectors to supervise the loading in this way would accomplish the purpose and be, practical method of dealing with the situation. Will you please take, the matter up with the Embassy and advise us results as soon as possible?

L. H. Kempner