The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Page)


447. Your No. 948, October 30, 7 p.m. American shippers have objected to publicity of manifests in view of order soon after war was declared compelling filing of full manifest before clearance, a rule not previously enforced. As making public manifests was a custom at certain ports without sanction of Treasury Department, the request of consignors to have the nature of their shipments not made public was granted as a matter of course.

While you may make the foregoing explanation to the British Government as a friendly act in view of the apprehension expressed as to the purpose of the order, you will please to bear in mind that trade in all articles, whether contraband or non-contraband, is legitimate, and this Government cannot recognize the right of any belligerent to question the rules and regulations applicable within its jurisdiction to such trade when no question of neutrality is involved.
