File No. 763.72119/20a

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Gerard)


The President desires me to communicate the following: At a dinner Saturday night Hon. Oscar Straus asked Count Bernstorff if he thought the German Emperor would favorably consider an offer of mediation if extended by the President. Count Bernstorff replied that, while he had had no communication on the subject from his Government since he left Berlin, he believed from what the Chancellor said to him when he was returning to the United States that the Emperor would accept mediation if the other interested nations would. I have just received from Count Bernstorff confirmation of this dinner conversation. He cannot, of course, say whether the Emperor would agree to an armistice during mediation but he is willing that we should report to the German Government through you the conversation between him and Mr. Straus and ask the views of the Emperor. You will, therefore, please deliver a paraphrase of this despatch to the Emperor at once and say to him that upon receipt of a favorable reply the President will make similar inquiry of the other governments and that he will be much gratified if he can be the means of bringing the parties into conference with a view to the adjustment by them of their differences.
