File No. 855.48/54

The Ambassador in Germany (Gerard) to the Secretary of State


899. Your 590, 7th,1 and 677, 20th. German Government is entirely in sympathy with laudable work of American Commission for Belgian Relief. German naval forces cannot lawfully seize food on neutral ships bound for neutral ports. Germany will not interfere with any neutral ships bound for Holland with food from the United States even if food is destined for Belgium. Subject to revoke German Government agrees to permit unneutral ships also to carry food for Belgians to Dutch ports and will give same guarantee that food is put to intended uses as for neutral ships. German Government recommends that as precaution such unneutral ships carry certificate from competent American authority testifying that ship carries food for the Belgians to be brought to Belgium via Dutch ports by American Commission for Belgian Relief with the consent of the German Government and that unneutral ships also have pass which German Ambassador, Washington, will issue upon certificate above described.2 Inquiry made about distribution of food by Americans in automobiles.

  1. Ante, p. 815.
  2. Communicated to the German Ambassador December 1 with expression of the hope “that it will meet with your excellency’s approval.”