File No. 855.48/1

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State2


783. A Belgian committee has been formed at Brussels under the patronage of the American and Spanish Ministers there for the purpose [Page 810] of importing foodstuffs for the poor of Brussels who, I am informed, are faced with famine. The German authorities in occupation have consented and the Belgian Minister here informs me that under instructions from his Government he has obtained permission of the British authorities for the export of supplies on condition that they be despatched by this Embassy and consigned to our Legation at Brussels. If you authorize me to take this step I believe it would be well to obtain a definite assurance from the German Government of their approval of this humanitarian project, the execution of which is in charge of an American citizen, Millard King Shaler, who is now in London purchasing supplies, and is strongly vouched for by Mr. Whitlock.

American Ambassador
  1. Repeated to the Ambassador in Germany October 7, No. 356, with instructions to “take up informally with Foreign Office.”