Relations with Germany and Austria-Hungary–German submarine warfare–Severance of diplomatic relations and outbreak of war with Germany
[382] The counselor for the Department of State (Lansing) to the Secretary of State
June 3, 1915.
[384] The Collector of Customs of the Port of New York (Malone) to the Secretary of the Treasury (McAdoo)
June 4, 1915.
841.857 L 97/166½
[388] The Counselor for the Department of State (Lansing) to the Secretary of State
June 5, 1915.
[390] President Wilson to the Counselor for the Department of State (Lansing)
June 7, 1915.
[391] The Counselor for the Department of State (Lansing) to the Secretary of the Treasury (McAdoo)
June 7, 1915.
[392] The Counselor for the Department of State (Lansing) to the Secretary of State
June 7, 1915.
[394] The Counselor for the Department of State (Lansing) to the Secretary of State
June 7, 1915.
[399] President Wilson to the Secretary of State
Windsor Vt.,
July 7, 1915.
[Received 5: 15 p. m.]
[Received 5: 15 p. m.]
763.72/1962½: Telegram
[401] President Wilson to Mr. J. P. Tumulty ( Secretary to the President )
Windsor, Vt.,
July 11, 1915—9 p. m.
763.72/1965½: Telegram