Relations with Germany and Austria-Hungary–German submarine warfare–Severance of diplomatic relations and outbreak of war with Germany

[497] President Wilson to the Secretary of State

763.72/2390½: Telegram

[498] The Secretary of State to President Wilson


[499] The Secretary of State to President Wilson


[500] The Secretary of State to President Wilson


[501] President Wilson to the Secretary of State


[502] The Secretary of State to the German Ambassador (Bernstorff)


[504] The Secretary of State to President Wilson


[505] President Wilson to the Secretary of State


[506] The Secretary of State to President Wilson


[507] The Secretary of State to President Wilson

851.857 Su 8/54a

[508] President Wilson to the Secretary of State

851.857 Su 8/54½

[510] The Secretary of State to President Wilson

851.857 Su 8/54½a

[512] The German Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Jagow) to the German Ambassador (Bernstorff)

851.857 Su 8/56½: Telegram

[513] The Secretary of State to President Wilson

851.857 Su 8/55½a

[514] The German Ambassador (Bernstorff) to Colonel E. M. House

851.857 Su 8/57½

[515] The French Ambassador (Jusserand) to the Secretary of State

851.857 Su 8/58½

[516] The Secretary of State to President Wilson

851.857 Su 8/81b

[517] The Secretary of State to President Wilson


[518] The Secretary of State to President Wilson

851.857 Su 8/82½

[519] President Wilson to the Secretary of State

851.857 Su 8/83½

[520] President Wilson to the Secretary of State

851.857 Su 8/81½

[521] President Wilson to the Secretary of State


[522] The French Ambassador (Jusserand) to the Secretary of State

851.857 Su 8/85½

[526] The French Ambassador (Jusserand) to the Secretary of State

851.857 Su 8/86½