File No. 033.1100 K77/221.
The Minister of Venezuela to the Assistant Secretary of State.
Washington, February 14, 1912.
My Dear Mr. Wilson: I have read with the greatest interest your obliging and welcome note of yesterday1 by which you impart to me the good news that by direction of His Excellency the President of United States the honorable Secretary of State. Mr. Knox, will visit Venezuela [etc.].
The idea is most praiseworthy and it affords me very great pleasure to inform you that I have received cablegrams from the President of Venezuela, General Gómez, and the Ministry of Foreign Relations instructing me to express to the Department of State the delight with which the announcement of the visit was received in Venezuela.
The President of Venezuela, as well as the whole Government, and the city of Caracas, are even now making preparations to receive their distinguished guest with all the regard and attentions that are due to him.
I beg you to inform His Excellency the President of the United States and the Honorable Mr. Knox.
Wishing to know in due time the exact date of the Secretary of State’s visit to Venezuela, and also wishing that he may stay in Venezuela as many days as possible, which will give my country great satisfaction,
I renew to you [etc.]