Minister Russell to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Caracas, February 29,
No. 289.]
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that in
accordance with the instructions contained in your cable of the 19th
instant, confirmed in a separate dispatch, I addressed a note to the
Venezuelan Government on the 22d instant, with a view to ascertain its
attitude in regard to arbitration in the five pending cases presented by
the Government of the United States On the 29th instant I received the
answer from the minister for foreign affairs, copy and translation of
which is inclosed, as also a copy of my note to the foreign office.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1.]
Minister Russell to the Minister for
Foreign Affairs.
American Legation,
Caracas, February 22,
Mr. Minister: I have the honor to inform
your excellency that I have been instructed by my Government to
ascertain whether the refusal of Venezuela to accept our proposal of
arbitration of pending claims is designed to apply to each and every
one of the five claims presented by me on the 30th of March, and, if
Venezuela is ready to arbitrate any of those claims, which ones she
is willing to arbitrate.
I take, etc.,
The Minister for Foreign
Affairs to Minister Russell.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Caracas, February 29,
Mr. Minister: I have the honor to
acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s courteous communication
of the 22d instant, and in reply to the question
[Page 820]
asked by your excellency, under
instructions from your Government, I must say to you that the
Government of Venezuela refrains for the present from taking into
consideration the suggestion made to it in your courteous note, for
the reason that up to now you have not contradicted (“contradicho”)
the notes from this ministry of July 9 and September 20 of last year
relative to the points which have been the subject of discussion,
and in which notes were well set forth the reasons upon which this
Government based its refusal.
Consequently, as the cases referred to by your excellency can not be
considered as being comprised among those which call for diplomatic
action, the Government of Venezuela would view it with satisfaction
if the Government of the United States would consider this question
as closed, the interested parties always having the right of
recourse to the tribunals of justice of the Republic should they
deem fit.
I avail myself, etc.,