Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Olney.
Washington, November 1, 1895.
Mr. Secretary of State: I have the honor to inform you that, according to information telegraphed October 2, 1895, to the Sublime Porte by the Imperial authorities of Bitlis, Mr. George Knapp, an American missionary, recommended to the Armenians of Bitlis to follow the example of those of Erzerum, and thus succeeded in inducing the Armenian members of the administrative council, those of the court of appeals, and those of the court of first instance either to resign or to remain away from their posts of duty on pretense of illness.
The acting governor-general of the vilayet of Bitlis adds in his telegram to the Sublime Porte that any incitement to hatred of the Imperial Government is not only a violation of law, but that it might occasion fresh disturbances.
Be pleased to accept, etc.,