No. 276.
Mr. Steele to Mr. Bayard.
Sir: I have the pleasure to acknowludge the receipt of your letter dated October 20.
My original inquiry referred both to vessels under license and to those sailing under a register. Your letter satisfies the inquiry as to those licensed for the fisheries.
We still desire to be informed as to whether vessels under registry of the United States will be allowed to enter at Grand Manan and other ports, and load and export herring to the United States.
Such vessels will be manned by a sailing crew, on wages, and not by a fishing complement of sharemen, nor will they carry the fishing gear which such vessels use when fishing under a fishing license.
The fishing interests, I assure you, appreciate the courtesy of your offer to procure this information seasonably for them.
I remain, &c.,
President of the American Fishery Union.