No. 28.
Mr. Lambert
Tree to Mr. Bayard.
Brussels, November 27, 1886. (Received December 11.)
Sir: Referring to my No. 163, I have the honor to inform you that, following the course foreshadowed in the address from the throne at the opening of Parliament with reference to the persons condemned for rioting and pillage at Liege and Charleroi last spring, the King has granted full pardon to 400 of the condamnés, while 68 have had their penalties reduced one-half. Two hundred and nine others have obtained partial remissions.
There are still 82 undergoing punishment, who are considered leaders in the lamentable troubles of last spring. These the Government refuses to recommend to the clemency of the King, on the ground that they made an attack on the freedom of labor, in compelling those of their comrades who were disposed to work to stand idle.
After some discussion, the Senate has refused, by an almost unanimous vote, to take into consideration the bill offered by Mr. Croey on the first day of the session for amnesty. It was opposed from the ministerial benches for the alleged reason that it was a total effacement of criminal inculpation 5 that such a measure implied that the judge who administered justice had wrongly punished those whom he had sentenced, and was dangerous to the Government, which could not afford to be generous, if it had to commence by such an admission.
I have, &c.,