No. 274.
Mr. Steele to Mr. Bayard.

Sir: The season is approaching when American vessels have been accustomed to buy herring at the Grand Manan Island and vicinity, and bring them to Boston, Gloucester, New York, and Philadelphia.

The present position of the Dominion Government as to that trade concerns our interests greatly, and the fish trade desire to be informed whether that Government now considers the purchase of herring as open to American vessels, either when registered or licensed, with permit to trade.

We do not wish to explore their power of seizing or detaining these vessels, or of inflicting fines. If they object to our vessels continuing in that business, we prefer to keep away from those shores until the Dominion Government is better advised.

I apply to you for this information, which our merchants need, because I know of no other mode of obtaining it in a reliable shape.

I am, &c.,

President American Fishery Union.

P. S.—This trade in winter herring has been carried on in our vessels almost exclusively for many years, and fifty or a hundred cargos come in usually during the fall, winter, and spring.

They are largely consumed as food, and to some extent used as bait in our winter fishing to Georges and the Banks.

It is Very rare for a British vessel to bring herring to our ports.