No. 271.
Mr. Bayard to Messrs. Cushing and
Washington, August 19, 1886.
Gentlemen: Referring to your complaint of the 3d of July last, concerning the detention of your fishing schooner City Point, by the Canadian authorities at the port of Shelburne, Nova Scotia, which was at once communicated, to the British minister here, I have to inform you that her Britannic Majesty’s Government has made reply, alleging that the master of the City Point committed a breach of the customs laws of the Dominion by not reporting to the customs authorities, and by landing part of the crew and luggage. It is further stated that the vessel in question was subsequently released on deposit of $400.
It appears from this reply that no charge of violating the fishing laws or infringing the treaty was made against the City Point, but that the sole allegation is the failure of her master to observe the customs regulations applicable to any vessel resorting to a port of entry, and communicating with the shore.
The United States consul-general at Halifax will be instructed to watch the case, and, in the event of the penalty being affirmed, to ascertain the laws and regulations on which such judgment rests.
I am, &c.,