No. 270.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. Presson.
Washington, August 18, 1886.
Sir: In reply to your letter of the 14th instant, inclosing affidavits of Reuben Cameron, master of the schooner Golden Hind, setting forth that he was forbidden by officers of the Canadian Government from entering [Page 522] the harbor of Port Daniels, in the Bay of Chaleurs, for the purpose of obtaining water, and that he was compelled to make a voyage to Prince Edward’s Island to obtain such supply, involving a week’s delay and consequent loss.
I have to inform you that immediate protest against this infraction of express treaty rights and violation of the rights of common hospitality has been made by me to the British minister at this capital, and notification given to him that claim will hereafter be made upon the Government of Great Britain for all loss incurred by the unwarranted action of the Canadian officials above stated.
Earnest request was also made that orders should be issued forthwith to prevent a repetition of such unlawful and unfriendly conduct towards our vessels engaged in fishing.
I am, &c.,