No. 186.
Mr. Bayard to Sir L.
Washington, May 22, 1886.
My Dear Sir Lionel: I have telegraphed to-day to Mr. Phelps, urging the advantage and need of my coming to some immediate understanding with you expressive of the views of the two parties to the treaty.
My conviction strengthens as to the importance of having a stop put at once to vexatious interpretations and action by local authorities, which can only hinder an amicable accord, and I have asked that these seizures be suspended without prejudice to the legal results pending an authoritative treatment of the main question.
It surely cannot be the purpose of the provincial authorities to embarrass the two Governments, by whom alone the issues are cognizable. A frank and friendly spirit has been exhibited by both Governments in abstaining from any demonstration of naval force in the provincial waters, and it is desirable that this should be continued, as it will add to the moral impressiveness of any settlement we may arrive at.
Very faithfully yours,