No. 28.
Mr. Whitehouse to Mr. Davis.

No. 2.]

Sir: Referring you to Mr. Hall’s No. 241, of July 25, I have the honor to report that in a note dated at San José, August 29, 1884, and received at this legation on September 7, the minister for foreign affairs of Costa Rica acknowledges the receipt of Mr. Hall’s note for July 25, and declines to consider his (Mr. Hall’s) protest against the immediate application of the decree revoking the law of May 22, 1883, which made Port Limon a free port for the term of ten years.

The minister alleges that the period of ten years specified had for its object to fix the maximum duration of the franchise, and does not in any way bind Congress to maintain Port Limon free for a whole decade.

I would add that this day I have been informed, by a telegram from a trustworthy source, that a decree, dated the 5th instant, has been issued, by virtue of which the “principal articles” (articulos principales) can be imported free of duty for the use of the district of Limon.

By this it would appear that the Congress has modified its decision since the date of the communication from the minister for foreign affairs o August 29, above mentioned.

I am informed by the British minister that a like note has reached him.

Awaiting your instructions for further action in this matter,

I am, &c.,