No. 491.
Mr. Schuyler to Mr. Fish.
St. Petersburg, February 4, 1875. (Received February 26.)
Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 54, of July 17, 1870, on the appointment of a Russian bishop to America, I have the honor to inform you that by a resolution of the council of the empire, confirmed by the Emperor on the 2d December, 1874, and published to-day in the official journal, the Holy Directing Synod has fixed new estimates for the expenses of the orthodox Russian church in America. By this resolution, which came into force on the 1st (15th) January, 1875, the yearly sum of 417.680 rubles is set apart for the maintenance of the clergy and the expenses of the churches and clerical institutions, and the sum of 4.700 rubles, is allotted for temporary expenses to be diminished in proportion to the progress of the construction of the buildings for the church, clergy-house, and school in San Francisco.
I have, &c.,