No. 344.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.

No. 614.]

Sir: Referring to your No. 272, I have the honor to inclose a copy of a note which I addressed to Mr. Lafragua upon the 23d instant, requesting the intervention of the Mexican government for the purpose of restoring to their tribe in Arizona Territory the twenty-one Apache children captured last year at Camp Grant.

In a conference on this subject Mr. Lafragua promised to give this matter his immediate attention.

I am, &c,

[Inclosure in No. 614.]

Mr. Nelson to Mr. Lafragua.

Sir: I have been instructed by the Department of State at Washington to lay before the government of Mexico the facts set forth in an official letter from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, of which I inclose a copy, relative to the capture of a number of Apache children in Arizona, in April of last year, by a combined party of citizens of that Territory, Mexicans, and Fapago Indians. Twenty-one of these children are alleged to be in the State of Sonora in the hands of Mexican citizens.

It being equally desirable, from motives of humanity not less than as a fulfillment of pledges made in the name of my Government, that these Apache children be restored to their tribe, I earnestly request that your excellency will, as soon as may be practicable, cause the proper measures to be taken for that end.

I have, &c,