No. 343.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.

No. 616.]

Sir: Pursuant to the instructions contained in your No. 274, of the 6th instant, I have to-day addressed a note to Mr. Lafragua, of which I inclose a copy, returning thanks in the name of the Government of the United States to the government of Mexico for its friendly action, as exhibited in recalling General Cortina from the frontier, and in the return of stolen cattle by General Ceballos to their owners in Texas.

I am, &c,

[Page 457]
[Inclosure in No. 616.]

Mr. Nelson to Mr. Lajragua.

Sir: It is my agreeable duty to inform your excellency that my Government has received information from Major T. M. Anderson, one of its miltary officers on the Rio Grande frontier, to the effect that General Jose Ceballos, commander of the Mexican army of operations in that section, has returned to the owners a drove of cattle which had been stolen from Texas, and had arrested their purchasers; and, also, that General Juan N. Cortina, whose conduct has given rise to so many remonstrances from American citizens and officials, has been relieved from duty and ordered to the city of Mexico. Major Anderson added that the Mexican officers then in command (May 28) seemed anxious to cultivate friendly relations with the United States, and to put a stop to all depredations on American soil.

For these gratifying evidences of good feeling on the part of the Mexican government and its military officials I am instructed by my Government to return its sincere thanks to the government of the republic of Mexico.

I have the honor to renew to your excellency the assurance of my very high and distinguished consideration.