No. 319.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.
Legation of
the United States,
Mexico, June 5, 1872. (Received June 28.)
No. 578.]
Mexico, June 5, 1872. (Received June 28.)
Sir: Herewith 1 transmit a copy and translation (A and B) of the law passed by the Mexican congress on the 31st ultimo, fixing the estimates of receipts and expenditures for the coming fiscal year, and also approving the tariff decreed by Minister Romero on the 1st of January last. Three modifications only were made in the tariff, namely: To permit the collection of excise taxes by States; to fix the exportation duty on bullion at five per cent., and to deduct in compensation thereof ten per cent, from the tariff.
I am, &c.,