No. 317.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.
Mexico, May 30, 1872. (Received June 15.)
Sir: The military situation continues to the favorable to the government. Generals Rocha and Pesqueira have dislodged the rebels from Sinaloa; General Ceballos has driven them from the line of the Rio Grande; and General Corella, after occupying Saltillo on the 25th instant, is rapidly marching upon Monterey.
A new political plan, signed by Porfirio Diaz, and dated at Ameca, (Jalisco,) on the 3d of April, has appeared, but its authenticity is still a matter of doubt; the government organ maintaining that Diaz has not even been in Jalisco. It is, in substance, the same as the famous “Plan of the Noria,” except that Mr. Lerdo de Tejada, as president of the supreme court, is called to the Presidency.
The States of Sinaloa and Coahuila have been declared to be under martial law, with Generals Rubi and Cepeda as their respective governors.
Congress has not yet disposed of the important questions pending before it. The new tariff of Mr. Romero has been approved in its essential principles, though with considerable modifications. The chief [Page 429] measures lately passed consist of the extension of the “ample faculties” and of the law against kidnapping; an extension of time to the Tehu-antepec Company, and to the Toluca Railroad, and a subsidy to an American company for a line of coasting steamers in the Gulf of Mexico.
I am, &c.,