No. 304.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.

No. 538.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 536, I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy and translation (A and B) of the reply of Mr. Mariscal to my note of the 20th instant relative to the frequency of murders by Mexicans in Arizona. This reply, though dated the 23d instant, was not received until several days later.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure B.]

Mr. Mariscal to Mr. Nelson.

Sir: I have received your excellency’s note of the 20th instant, in which you state that the authorities of the Territory of Arizona have informed the Government of the United States that numerous murders have been committed in that Territory near the Mexican frontier by malefactors who come from the State of Sonora, into which they escape after perpetrating these atrocious deeds.

Your excellency, pursuant to instructions from your Government, manifests the urgency of efficacious measures being taken to prevent such outrages in the future. In reply I take pleasure in informing your excellency that I have to-day transmitted your note to the government of the State of Sonora, calling for a report upon the facts in question at the earliest moment, in order to make a proper reply to your excellency, and take the necessary measures.

I improve this opportunity to renew to your excellency the assurance of the high consideration with which I am vour excellency-s obedient servant,