Government of the Canton of Zug


Council of Zug to the Bundesrath, Berne:

Gentlemen: The Berlin committee has given us the latest news from the United States, (the glorious victories of the northern States and the atrocious assassination of the President,) and invites us to join in an address of sympathy and condolence to the government and people of the sister republic beyond the ocean.

We do not hesitate to give our fullest consent and approbation to the address, and hope it will be welcomed by all of our fellow-citizens.

We are glad that the proposal of sympathy originated at the capital of our confederation, and we have no doubt but the good example will be followed by all the other cantons, and we know it will be approved by the Swiss people in general.

We think it would be well for this canton to have a special address, as many others have; but as this is not yet determined on, we beg you to accept this expression of assent to the general address, and ask you to accept the protests of our distinguished consideration.

  • M. LITTA, President.
  • A. SCHWERZMANN, Secretary.